It's time to start 2021 off with a bang...and Polish Pickup. This month's theme is Birthstones, Gems & Minerals and since it is the second chance for this theme, the brands involved are having to get creative. Vapid Wax has gone the self care and meditation route with a classically scented wax melt. Before you click through, just know that Nag Champa is my f a v o r i t e incense. Ever.
(promotional samples ahead)
Vapid Wax describes this as "an aromatic blend of patchouli, bright citrus, warm sandalwood, and a touch of lavender." I mean, I guess that is spot on. I can't really break the scents down in this one because it is such an iconic scent. I think Nag Champa and immediately think of candles, soft music, and a general chill vibe. My grandmother burned this incense, my mother burned this incense, I have always had this incense fact, I still burn it once a week.
My only lament is the ash and smoke. It gets everywhere, and there is always that slight burnt smoky edge to the scent. Which honestly, after the summer we had here on the Central Coast, is a little too soon for my taste. So when Jenn suggested making Nag Champa for January's PPU, I was 10,000% in favor of it.

If you are looking for a dead-on dupe for the classic incense, you might be a little disappointed. My husband thinks it is the lack of smoke and ash that is missing in the wax version. This is a cleaner, brighter, more gentle version. Sometimes I sneeze a bit when I light the incense, I think it is the crumbly dust and smoke. I haven't sneezed while this wax melt was going...and it is in three warmers on two floors right now. I find it to remind me of clean, fresh skin...or like a Nag Champa soap but without the "soapy" scent. It is hard to explain. I would call this Nag Champa, but lighter. It is close enough that you will immediately identify it. If you love the scent, you will be happy with this one.
Fun Fact: my husband is 1/4 Indian. The culture is pretty well blended into his family, and I have loved learning about the culture (and the food, yo). The reason I am telling you this is because this scent is one of those scents from my husband's childhood that he immediately connects to. He is a pretty notorious wax-hater, but he has not complained once about this wax melt. Consequently, I have used half the clamshell in two weeks.
I'll be buying several more during the sale. I promise to buy less than 10. At least on Friday.
Details:- $6
- 2.7oz
- Nag Champa scented
- available in January
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