KBShimmer | Multichrome Nail Art

Remember when I used to do my nails a bunch? Ok, yeah...neither do I. But look, I did them...and I did art! It really is a miracle! But I was finally done with my Crafty Taco stuff and I was itching to wear something shiny. Or two things shiny, as it turned out!

KBShimmer | Multichrome Nail Art

Colors Used
China Glaze Liquid Leather
KBShimmer Shade Shifter
KBShimmer Thrust Issues

♦ ♦ ♦ 

Vapid Lacquer Catsuit Liquid Latex

KBShimmer | Multichrome Nail Art

It had been a hot minute since I had done a gradient, but I really don't like regular horizontal gradients on short nails. And my nails are short these days. I had a bad break on my middle fingernail, and I shortened the rest in solidarity. I generally prefer to go darker when my nails are short anyway, so this was a chance to do something fun and vampy. I think the vertical gradient really makes it look like it is showing the shift of a single polish, but all the time. These two shades really work well together.

It is also giving me accidental Captain America vibes. So I guess if you're feeling superhero-y, this is a good color palette!

KBShimmer | Multichrome Nail Art

KBShimmer | Multichrome Nail Art

KBShimmer | Multichrome Nail Art

KBShimmer | Multichrome Nail Art

KBShimmer | Multichrome Nail Art

I am actually still wearing this manicure, mostly chip free. I don't expect to take it off for a few more days, at least. The benefit to doing gradients with multichromes is that you can capitalize on the sparkle and shift while still getting the long-wear-friendly thin layers. It has been three days so far, I wonder how long it'll last?


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