It is finally summer and Moonflower Polish is ready for us! Everyone else is enjoying the pool, layering sunscreen and planning bbq parties...while I snuggle under blankets. But what better weather to enjoy a good neon than an overcast afternoon?
(promotional samples ahead)
I was lucky enough to be sent a quartet stamping polishes in neons. I love/hate neons. I love looking at them, wearing them, making art with them...but photographing them is where I draw the line in the fun sand. These babies, being good neons, were a pain to photograph. Which is fine, because they were a breeze to use. I have two other Moonflower stamping polishes (one from PPU and one I bought.) so I feel like I have a pretty good idea of the stamping shades from this brand by now. All four of these worked well on multiple plates, though I didn't test them on multiple stampers. I can only get my squishy stamper to work for me, and that is what I used. I had no staining, no problems, no issues at all. The faint shimmer in each shade really makes these special, extra special on darker colors. These are such a fabulous departure from the average that they definitely ought to be in your kit. There are a few other shades in this collection and I may go pick up a couple others. These are just the right opacity to be regular polish or stamping...and you know I love a good deal.
Popsicle | B Polished Silver Linings + BPL-027
Pool Floaty | B Polished Silver Linings + BPL-027
Dip in the Pool | B Polished Silver Linings + BMS302
Sparkling Waters | B Polished Silver Linings + BPL-027
I love these bright colors, especially paired with the pale gray scattered holo. I think that Popsicle is my favorite, but I love the loud colors. Which one is your favorite?
These are available right now in the Moonflower shop. You can get them a la carte, or as a set.
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