Baroness X Anthracite | An X Army Group Custom

Facebook is the place for indie polish to thrive these days. Every brand has a fan group, designed to be a place to share info, trade, and post your manicure pictures. As a "thank you" to the tight-knit groups, many brands offer exclusive shades just for the members. Few brands have more stunning customs than Baroness X.

Baroness X Anthracite | An X Army Group Custom

(promotional samples ahead)

Anthracite is a midnight navy jelly filled with the majestic Unicorn Pee, copper shimmer, and twinkling with holo. Imagine if you could paint the night sky with UP...and then bottle it up. This is what you'd end up with. Baroness X does jellies oh so right, and this shade is no different. It applies fully opaque in three coats, and I followed it with a layer of Seche Vite for a glossy look. I love the depth that this polish has, and I definitely want to wear it forever. Or at least for a few days.

Baroness X Anthracite | An X Army Group Custom

Baroness X Anthracite | An X Army Group Custom

Baroness X Anthracite | An X Army Group Custom

Baroness X Anthracite | An X Army Group Custom

Baroness X Anthracite | An X Army Group Custom

This polish is currently not available, but I would encourage you to join the fangroup on Facebook. You never know what goodies might pop up in there.


  1. Wow! This is stunning! I love all the colors it picks up!

  2. Oh no - not available? But I want it!! I have a Polish Pickup package on its way to me so I hope I can be safisfied with that.

  3. THis is gorgeous!! That orange shimmer that comes through! It looks amazing!

  4. This is beautiful. Your swatches are always fantastic.

  5. Of course it's not's so gorgeous!

  6. I managed to snag a bottle of this, but haven’t had a chance to try it yet.

  7. I love the depth in this. The red shimmer!

  8. Ugh this is TOO pretty. My wallet says thank goodness it's not available right now.

  9. This is so pretty and I'm still sad that I missed out!

  10. I was thinking I'd seen this before!! I think I might even have it

  11. Oh, the depth in this gorgeous polish! Stunning!

  12. That is a stunning polish color for the winter, and I love that the top of the bottle shows the color, too!


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