Fair Maiden Polish Sparkly Sangria • Polish Pickup July 2017 • Cocktails & Mocktails

Are you ready for more Polish Pickup? Ok, that might have been rhetorical. I have Fair Maiden's contribution to share with you today...and let me just say: prepare your wallet. And maybe your liver.

Fair Maiden Polish Sparkly Sangria • Polish Pickup July 2017 • Cocktails & Mocktails

(promotional samples ahead)

Fair Maiden Polish Sparkly Sangria • Polish Pickup July 2017 • Cocktails & Mocktails

This is a regal red holo with a glowing underbelly. It is just the color to wear at any cocktail party, and it is pretty much seasonless. It is slightly thicker than most holos that you get this time of year, and that lets it stamp surprisingly well. I used two normal coats plus a layer of Seche Vite.

Fair Maiden Polish Sparkly Sangria • Polish Pickup July 2017 • Cocktails & Mocktails

Fair Maiden Polish Sparkly Sangria • Polish Pickup July 2017 • Cocktails & Mocktails

Fair Maiden Polish Sparkly Sangria • Polish Pickup July 2017 • Cocktails & Mocktails

This shade, and many others, will be available July 7th through July 10th in the Polish Pickup shop. Don't be late!

What better to drink with your fabulous red manicure than the drink that inspired it? Check out the recipe below, and give a click to the blog I borrowed it from. I bet you'll find a few things to make over there.

recipe found on thekiwicountrygirl.com


  1. I'm slightly regretting not buying this one 😞 It's BEAUTIFUL!

  2. I picked this one up! :) That red, the velvety look of it. ALL MINE!

  3. Ugh, my budget forced me to miss this one, and I'm a little sad about missing it!

  4. Unf. This is so dang pretty. I have a special place in my heart for anything in the crimson range.

  5. I feel silly I didn't grab this one. So gorgeous!!

  6. Gorgeous swatches! This is a perfect holiday red.

  7. This is such an intense, deep color -- I would totally rock this throughout the fall! So pretty!

  8. Mmmm this is gorgeous. Sort of puts me in the mood for fall :)

  9. I'm loving this color. It's definitely giving me fall vibes.

  10. Dang, I'm upset that I missed this!

  11. Oh, yeah! This is my kind of polish!


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