Creme a la Mode #4 Summer 2016 | Seriotype

Is it really Creme a la Mode time without a seriotype? I don't think it is. At least, not for me. It is part of the festivities for me now...and I think this one is just the bee's knees this time.

Creme a la Mode #4 Summer 2016 | Seriotype
(promotional samples ahead)

Colors Used
Digital Nails Melonade
Indigo Bananas Creme Bluele
Literary Lacquers Cyan-Tifically Proven
Octopus Party Nail Lacquer You, Me, and Daiquiri

Creme a la Mode #4 Summer 2016 | Seriotype

I know I keep saying this, but this might be my favorite CALM box yet. These colors just pop like crazy against each other. I could spend a month just using these four. I did my traditional CALM seriotype (tutorial here), and I could easily do it several more times without making anything that looks similar to this.

Creme a la Mode #4 Summer 2016 | Seriotype

I do love how each bottle brings a whole new color to the forefront.

Creme a la Mode #4 Summer 2016 | Seriotype

Creme a la Mode #4 Summer 2016

I can't recommend this box enough. PR samples or no, I am really enjoying the quartet for summer. I am at a loss as to how each brand keeps on improving in color selection, formula and pun strength. 


  1. LOVE these colours together. Also, I just noticed how cool your background looks!

  2. Those shades look great together! Love your mani!

  3. These are all perfect for summer and your mani highlights them all beautifully :)

  4. This technique is insanely beautiful, I need to try it

  5. Yeah!!! Of course, I love it. <3 I love this technique and want to try it but I keep forgetting what it's called and my brain wants to call it "Nichole's Awesome Technique" because I always associate beautiful seriotype with you. :-)

  6. Ooooooo! This is amazing!!!! So much love here!!!!

  7. So completely awesome as usual! Love the colors together. And I also will always associate seriotypes with you, lol. :)

  8. I'm heading over to watch the tutorial - must try this technique!

  9. I need this box so badly! So beautiful!

  10. It's interesting how all the colors together bring out the pastel effect. Lovely!

  11. Looks awesome! I seriously need this box

  12. Go on with your bad self and get out of here with your Seriotype perfection <3

  13. Love this marbled look! Great combination! <3

  14. OBSESSED!!! I love this so so so much!!

  15. I have really had my eye on this box. Every single color is gorgeous. Its a great price too!

  16. Just learned about this box and this one is perfect for the summer!

  17. Holy cow this is beyond pretty! Those shades look so good together

  18. Ugh, you're making me want to break my no-buy with all these beautiful looks! By now I am convinced that I have absolutely nothing similar to any of these shades and that that is a huge deficiency in my life. Oh dear, here comes the 'goodbye no-buy'...

  19. So beautiful, that looks like an amazing box!

  20. Gorgeous manicure! And I love seeing the manicure paired with the different polish bottles - you're right, it makes the mani look a little different each time!

  21. GORGEOUS MANICURE! I need to try this out sometime soon. Hopefully mine will look HALF as good as yours :-D

  22. These are so pretty I love the mix of the colours x


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