Baroness X is a damned genius sometimes. Her most recent idea, the Monthly Mythical Mysteries is just another stroke of brilliance in a rather illustrious career of awesome. This was the offering for March and it was beautiful.
(promotional samples ahead)
This is a warm green holo filled with gold holo glitter. It is the perfect St. Patrick's Day green. It applies smoothly, just like every BX holo, and I only needed two coats plus a layer of Seche Vite for these pictures.
Generally, the Monthly Mythical Mysteries comes as a wee little set. There will be a full-sized polish, a happy little extra treat or two, and a small snippet of the mystical story that was the inspiration behind that months offering. These are only available for a limited time each month, and so far they are selling out pretty quickly. But don't despair! These will come back!
"The polish will be a mystery until it ships out to everyone. I will have it up for purchase for 14 days each month. At the end of Oct/beginning of Nov of each year, people who have purchased the polishes will be able to vote on which polishes come back for purchase so they can be sold for the holidays. Note that the polishes that make a comeback will not have extras with them."
Are you excited about next month? I definitely am. I can't wait to get the next package. I suggest joining us in the facebook group so you can get the heads up when the next one will be available!
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