Indigo Bananas Scarlet Night + Hyperborea

Indigo Bananas is fast becoming one of my favorite brands. I feel like, in addition to having a killer formula, an amusing name, and a cute label...this brand also has a decidedly Nichole-ish flavor to its preferred brand of nerdery. I wholeheartedly approve. 

Indigo Bananas Scarlet Night + Hyperborea

(promotional samples ahead)

Colors Used
Indigo Bananas Scarlet Night
Indigo Bananas Hyperborea

Indigo Bananas Scarlet Night + Hyperborea

Indigo Bananas Scarlet Night + Hyperborea

Scarlet Night, you may recall, came from the Creme a la Mode #2 box. It was a wonderful wine, and I knew I had to break it out again...but I also have a drawer in my Helmer that is full of untried polishes. So I combined two great things. My darling Deb sent me Hyperborea (because shes the best person ever to walk the Earth) so I threw the two together. It was magic. The shift, the wine, the flakies...ah. Magic.

Indigo Bananas Scarlet Night + Hyperborea

Indigo Bananas Scarlet Night + Hyperborea

Indigo Bananas Scarlet Night + Hyperborea

Have you made a dent in your untried pile/box/drawer this year? How many do you have? I think I am at about 30-40...though I admit a lot of it is from clearance shopping at Sally's. I never can seem to resist...


  1. Indigo Bananas is one of those brands that I keep meaning to try but for some reason, I never do. I need to fix that!

  2. I've been making a dent in my untried stash through nail art. Whenever I want to do something, I try to pull at least one untried colour from my box. There are more in there than I am willing to admit, lol!

    I really love this colour combination! I certainly need more Indigo Bananas in my life!

  3. I don't want to even think of my untried pile or should I say mountain lol

  4. Ahhhh! That combo is amazing!!

  5. I really need to try Indigo Bananas!

    1. You do. Scarlet Night Would be a neutral for you!

  6. I have exactly 129 untrieds O.o it's not good, lol! I love this combination, so fierce!

  7. That shiftiness is so lovely! I'm not even going to count untried polishes. Nope, not at all.

  8. That shiftiness is so lovely! I'm not even going to count untried polishes. Nope, not at all.

  9. This is beautiful and I'm glad you're making your way through your untrieds. I have about 15ish in mine right now. I've been so busy I havnt been able to get to them

  10. I haven't made a dent whatsoever in my untrieds :( this is pretty

  11. Oh, man, I love this combo. And please don't make me think about my untrieds...>.<

  12. I love that macro! I was on a no-buy for a while and slimmed down the untried herd quite a bit. Although with all my recent holiday purchases and the non-stop rain here, my pile is growing again.

    1. I'm waiting for the rain. I hope I can make a dent first!

  13. That just lovely ! I never try the brand but I should !

  14. This combo intrigues me. Turned out fantastic really! Still a brand I haven't tried. :/

    1. Thanks! And oh man, this is a brand worth trying.

  15. I have way too many untrieds! Actually I think I have so many nail polish I can't even use them in a lifetime. Ooops!

  16. Man, I don't have enough Indigo Bananas polishes!!


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