Vintage Polish: Wet 'n' Wild Green 416

Can you believe that today is the last Friday in September?! Holy cow, you guys...what is going on with time? Since it is the last Friday, I am here with another vintage shade! Let us all relax with some coffee, wrap our flannel shirts tight, and enjoy the green...

Wet 'n' Wild Green 416

My darling Jeanette enables me so well. I am still plowing through the package from her, happily. This green is one of those "make me smile with nostalgia" shades. I am definitely one of those people who associates colors with periods in my life. This is definitely a sophmore year/1996 kind of color for me.

I couldn't find a lot of info on this shade, and lord knows I tried. It seems like there is a black hole in the pre-internet beauty world. One day you whippersnappers will be thankful for us old farts who wax poetic about the junk they used as teens...Without us you wouldn't know your roots!

Wet 'n' Wild Green 416

Wet 'n' Wild Green 416

Wet 'n' Wild Green 416

Wet 'n' Wild Green 416

Wet 'n' Wild Green 416

Did you have this one when you were younger? Or did you have another shade that smelled like death and shined like springtime? Let me know below and we can reminisce together.


  1. I love these posts! What a gorgeous shade of green ♥.

  2. This looks like what St. Patrick's Day feels like.

  3. I can't believe you have so many vintage Wet 'n' Wild! I am totally jealous, the bottles are so cute!

  4. This is taking me back! I'd forgotten the old Wet n' Wild bottle shape!

  5. It's a beautiful fall-y green, just lovely!

  6. GREEEEEEEEEN!!!! And Lawd, I miss my old W&w's :)

  7. This polish was a real classic of the mid-to-late '90s!

  8. I loved those bottles! Sadly when most were in those I didn't paint my own nails (had acrylics for YEARS!)

  9. I'm pretty sure I had this polish back in the day! Such a pretty green!

  10. Ohh man I love these vintage posts! Such a good color on you :)

  11. LOVE this color! So awesome you have a vintage shade!

  12. I love your vintage posts! This green is amazing!

  13. I love vintage wet n wild. I had one called Limited that I used to wear allll the time. I wish I could find it again!

  14. That's an awesome shade of green <3

  15. This is really pretty on you! I had something really similar but not WnW that I used for every. single. Christmas mani.

  16. I'm pretty sure I did have this green back in the day!


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