Baroness X Swatcher's Balm

Baroness X Swatcher's Balm

(promotional samples ahead)

One of the weird things that every lacquerhead with a camera looks for is a good post-manicure cuticle balm. Everyone has their favorites (even me), but no matter how much you love and adore your "Holy Grail" product, you are always on the lookout for something better. My biggest problem with most cuticle products is that they are WAY too shiny for photographs. I hate having to choose between comfort and photo quality. Thanks to Demi of Baroness X, I don't have to worry about that anymore.

One evening a few Facebook friends and I were having a chat. We were discussing how obnoxious it is to see a beautiful swatch...but greasy fingers. I randomly asked Demi if she could figure out how to make a balm that actually moisturized...but was matte on the skin. She retreated into her fortress of Solitude (probably) for a few days, and came back with this:

Baroness X Swatcher's Balm

It is a thick, stiff balm that melts quickly against even the frostiest of skin. I have actually been using this stuff for a month now, so I think I have given it a pretty thorough test...definitely more thorough than most of my road-tests. Let's take a look at the B&A pictures, then I'll tell you what I think.

Baroness X Swatcher's Balm │Before

Baroness X Swatcher's Balm │Before

My nails don't look bad, considering how many times I have dyed my hair in the last week. Only one of my fingers is still stained brown...I chronically forget that I have color in my hair and inevitably will scratch my head....which leads to me having color stuck under my nail for a week or so.

I was going to make a video, but it was weird so I made a giant fucking gif instead. For the record, all the pictures in this post, including the gif, were taken in a six minute period: 12:41pm through 12:47pm for the curious. I did nothing to my nails other than what you see here.

Baroness X Swatcher's Balm │After

Baroness X Swatcher's Balm │After

It is completely matte in a matter of minutes. Really. No wiping, no extra buffing, no fucking greasing up doorknobs as you try to navigate your house...or is that just me?

I like to oil my nails before polishing, especially while swatching. It seems to help keep my nails from falling off and my cuticles from bursting into flames. But because I'm a slob, there is always a bit of clean-up to be done, and that means acetone...and chalky, ashen skin around my nail. Which, btw, is sexy as hell. Wait, no. No, that is fucking awful and I hate it. The only thing I hate more is having shiny fingers for pictures. Not only is it distracting and awful, but it leads to greased-up cameras and polish bottles...which is no bueno for getting a good clear photo that conveys the beauty and majesty of the polish.

I have used this balm for every manicure swatch I have taken over the last month and I declare this stuff awesome. At first, I was worried that it wouldn't be matte because it does melt when you rub it in and it does look a little glossy. But a little massage and a minute or two will leave you with moisturized and mostly-matte fingers. Hooray. It has a really natural scent, like the oils and waxes that went into it. No flowers, weirdness, or christmas morning scents here. The balm is all about business. 

Baroness X Swatcher's Balm │Before & After

The tl;dr here is you can be hydrated and matte. Finally. FINALLY.

(ninja edit: by "finally" I guess I mean September 30, 2015. Still...finally.)


  1. AHH! I love this! I have been using lotion rather than cuticle oil just to avoid that shiny skin in photos. But this looks much more moisturizing.

    1. It is amazing. I've been using it constantly for a few months now. It is just perfect. No scent, no shine...

  2. What if I WANT it to smell like Christmas morning? What then, Nichole?

    This actually sounds amazing.

    1. I ordered some (LOVE IT!) and mine is scented Pink Sugar. It's a light scent but smells yummy.

    2. I ordered some no so long ago and it came in the scent Pink Sugar. It's a light scent but still smells yummy. I love this stuff and will repurchase as soon as I start making a dent in it, a little goes a long way.

  3. Have you tried the bliss kiss simply pure nail oil? It absorbs quickly so it doesnt leave the skin looking shiny. Though i haven't seen the miracles other have using it, it does moisturize well and leaves me with non-greasy fingers

    1. I haven't, but it is definitely on my list. Too many of my friends rave about that stuff for me not to give it a try.

  4. Ahhhhhh!!! No more greaseball fingers! Or trying to hide my cuticles with macro blur! Also this review is hysterical. I love it.

    1. :D I'm glad! It really is great stuff to have while swatching.

  5. HOLY BALLS this is is literally the product I've been looking for, for like EVER! I will be buying mass quantities. <3

    1. you definitely should, especially since it is unscented. You can reapply and reapply without killing your nose!

  6. This sounds like an amazing product for swatching sessions!

  7. When I first started blogging (and was a giant idiotic noob), I used to think those shiny fingers were a sign of 'oh, this girl knows what's up because she knows to HYDRATE her cuticles'. So, I would sometimes have those greased phalanges and think I was an insider. This looks awesome!! I've been using Top Shelf's quick absorbing oil but I prefer balms.

    1. When this comes out, I highly recommend trying this one!

  8. This looks awesome! I really like IB cuticle balm but it still leaves me a little greasy, not as bad as most though.

    1. That one is on my list too. I've heard great things about it. I had been using lemony flutter before this, and it's night & day.

  9. I have been using cuticle oil, I never tried cuticle balm. You have made me interested in trying this product now.

  10. Oh hi, where is the take my money button because I'm sold? This sounds awesome!!

    1. Lol like Facebook, I will soon have a "send money" option on all my posts!

      (I'm kidding)

  11. Lookit you with your fancy video and stuff. Thanks for making my lame pictures look bad. :p But this much! Demi is amazing!

    1. It's my job, sister.

      You should have gone with bats.

  12. So true about always looking for a new balm even if you have your holy grails! I am guilty of never moisturizing after swatching, mainly because anything I put around my cuticles somehow gets under my nail plate and causes bubbles.But you mentioned doorknobs and I thought at my compute keyboard which is all greasy when I moisturise in the evening!! This balm would clean up my keyboard haha :)

    1. Yes! We don't even want to talk about the amount of glitter and lotion that is on my keyboard...or phone...or tv remote...or coffee pot.

  13. PWEEZ SHOW ME HOW TO GIFFY!!!!! Ugh, I love Demi. Even more for creating blessings to bloggers like this. I HATE GREASEBALL swatches. Nothing makes me retake pics than if my fingers look lubed up. I'm buying dis.

    1. I dont know how I did it!! But I might be coerced into making you one...

  14. I almost never use balm just cuticle oil because it's so hard to find non-oily ones. Definitely want to give this brand a try! Especially after long swatchatons.

    1. this stuff is such a nice thing to have handy after swatching all the things.

  15. How much?! There is no price in the post.

    1. I am not sure what the sizes/price point is going to be. But it'll be available on the 30th, and she says she'll have all the sizes and scents set then.

  16. This is amazing, what a great idea!!

  17. This looks like a great idea for swatching sessions !

  18. Oh my goodness this post made me laugh! My camera has been getting so greased up and it's annoying. I just purchased this Balm and I am really looking forward to it!


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