I Might Be Crazy

promotional samples ahead

It is no secret by now that I am a nutball. You know it. I know it. Hell, my mailman knows it. That is my path in life and it is a nice path, littered with glitter and coffee. Sometimes, the nuttiness gets the better of me and things happen. Beautiful, amazing, magical things.  

I mentioned last week that I had a bit of an evolving nail thing going on...and then I left you hanging. Well...I always try to deliver when I can! Here is what I did with that lovely manicure from last week.

Colors Used
Carpe Noctem Cosmetics Taupey Tips
Octopus Party Who's Got Their Claus In You
Octopus Party Body Electric
Sally Hansen Luxe Lace in Ruffle

Before you ask, let me say: Yes. I did place the glitter by hand. And yes, I have lost anything resembling marbles. But I am in love. LOVE. This might be the best thing I've ever done. I challenge anyone to find something better. It took me the better part of an afternoon...but ohgod it was worth it.

I don't know when I will do this again. I used a large amount of the SH glitter to make this happen...and I think I would do it again. I've still got the white...


  1. This is outstanding - the most unique glitter placement I've ever seen!

  2. Who cares if you lost the marbles, this is awesome! Definitely worth the time to put it together!

  3. Gorgeous! I really admire glitter placement manis. I used a tiny amount of loose glitter the other day for one nail and I'm still finding glitter everywhere!

  4. I really love these! I like how each nail is slightly different!

  5. I really love the glitter placement. It looks fantastic!

  6. These are so cool! I thought the glitter was stamping at first, but I love this!

  7. woah....I am in love with this look! I love your nutball antics! :)

  8. This really does look amazing! Your glitter placement skills are incredible X

  9. Glitter placement is always a pain, but I really love the way this looks. Worth it!

  10. Oh my god. This is the best mani I've ever seen.

  11. The glitter placement looks like science equations! It's so cool

  12. Love how this turned out! The glitter is perfect!

  13. This is so cool! It looks so sciencey to me!

  14. Looks like some chemical formula, it's soooo cool! I really love the glitter placement like that and the soft delicate background opposite to it!

  15. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!! This is outstanding!

  16. The patience needed for this is totally commendable. Amazing amazing look and the work definitely paid off!

  17. Your amazing at glitter placement!

  18. What a great design! Love the color combination!


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